Hey! You found Aunt Lillian's page!
My Aunt Lil gets a page on this website because she helped so much in bringing this book into reality. I was lucky she agreed to help me because she's been writing for most of her life.
She was a secretary in Manhattan during the 'Mad Men' days (except she worked for a large life insurance company, not in advertising!). After she moved to New Jersey and had her three daughters, she went back to work as a medical transcriptionist, which she did for over 30 years. She has been a part of two different writing groups, one of which called themselves "Eight Women Writers," and published a couple of novels together using a round-robin process. Over the years, she seemed to gravitate towards using her writing by doing things like volunteering as the editor for the PTA newsletter at her kids' elementary school, and helping out her church council by taking the minutes. My Aunt Lil has written her own memoirs, several children's stories, and an untold number of poems for special family occasions.
Besides knowing how to write, Aunt Lil grew up in Sunset Park and Williamsburg and lived in Flatbush when she first married my Uncle Vito. She has known me since I was 2 years old. So she knows and loves Brooklyn, and everyone in my family.
My Aunt Lil was active in the equal rights for women movement in the 60's. Readers of Satan's Priest will come across some snapshots of her experiences too as they read my book. I think her adventures add a little flavor of the times.
This project has brought me and Aunt Lil closer together since we've been talking several times a week since we started it. She and I worked together like this: basically, I scribbled down my stories, then she asked me lots of questions and added to my writing based on some extra research that she did, plus included her own memories of certian events. Lastly, she put it all together in a way that she thought a reader could enjoy and follow along easily.
She's a genius if I say so myself!
You'll see ;-)